Free Horizon Middle School is large enough for comprehensive sports and enrichment, small enough for individualized attention and support. Students carry two electives per semester with multiple choices in art, music, physical education, library sciences and technology. FACS and Health and Wellness are included in core class requirements.
ART: All FHM studio classes, including Art Electives, incorporate Over-arching Learning Outcomes based on State and District Standards. These include; Comprehension connecting to “Big Ideas” of Expression, Communicating, and Making Meaning, Reflection and Critical Thinking through evaluation and analysis, Creating works that are connected to Big Ideas, and the Transfer and Articulation of new knowledge and skills that validate the Visual Arts to the human experience.
LIBRARY: The FHM library provides an excellent opportunity to have a very positive impact on the school with an integrated work experience approach. Through the daily activities of maintaining the order of the library and the completion of at least one project, the student, will obtain real world experience of aspects of working in a library. The student will choose their own project(s). Responsibilities include shelving books and other behind the scenes activities that help keep the library humming along for all of FHM’s students.
MUSIC: Music courses survey different musical styles and periods with the intent of increasing students’ enjoyment of musical styles and/or developing their artistic or technical judgment. These courses may also focus on developing an understanding of a particular style or period of music. Both year-long options for orchestra/band and choir are offered.
PE: Health and Fitness courses combine the topics of Health Education courses (nutrition, stress management, substance abuse prevention, disease prevention, first aid, and so on) with an active fitness component (typically including aerobic activity and fitness circuits) with the intention of conveying the importance of life-long wellness habits.
TECHNOLOGY: Intro to Computers is mandatory for every 7th grade student and new 8th grade students. We work on computer basics and typing in this class. All students will get extensive typing practice. Other classes offered are Information Technology, Engineering & Tech, and Computer Science.