Arrival and Dismissal 2022-23
Primary Students: Preschool, Prekindergarten, & Kindergarten
8:15 am - 3:20 pm
Arrival: Drop off from 8:00-8:10 am (Bell Rings at 8:15 am)
Primary Students accompanied by caregiver to the front doors.
"Transfer of Care" from caregiver to school staff member.
Dismissal: Pick Up Window: 3:20-3:30 pm (Bell rings at 3:20 pm)
CCCAP Additional sign in and out steps for our students receive CCCAP funding at the main office.
ELEMENTARY (1st-5th Grades)
8:15am - 3:20pm
Arrival: 8:00-8:10 am (Bell rings at 8:15 am)
Carline Drop Off
Hug & Go Zone: Using the East/Upper Parking lot.
Students exit the car at any point past the first sidewalk - do not wait to reach the front of the line!
Students will enter through the elementary playground doors and walk independently to class.
Walk or Roll Drop Off
If students walk or roll to school, students will walk on the sidewalk beside the carline and proceed as above.
Safely escort the Elementary student to the ramp or stairs up to the sidewalk beside the carline and enter through the doors near the playground.
Dismissal: Pick Up Window: 3:20-3:30 pm (Bell rings at 3:20 pm)
Driveline Number: Number assigned to families to page students to be dismissed to the desired location.
Carline Pick Up
Carline is strongly preferred for elementary students without siblings in Primary. If you need to fasten your child’s seat belt, exit the carline first, then pull over to assist your child.
Display your student's Driveline number prominently to the staff member entering numbers.
Student will enter the car independently.
Front Door Pick Up
Family Driveline number and placard shown to the staff member supporting at the front doors.
Pick Up Primary & Elementary Siblings
Elementary students are notified in their dismissal classrooms and will exit the front doors to find their caregivers picking them up.
MIDDLE SCHOOL (6th-8th Grades)
8:00am - 3:30pm
Arrival: Drop off Window 7:45-7:55 am (Bell Rings at 8:00 am)
Students can be dropped off through carline drop off. Students will walk around the building and through the playground around to their classrooms. Students can walk independently to class.
Dismissal: Pickup window from 3:30 - 3:40 pm (Bell Rings at 3:30 pm)
Middle School students release from the playground. Students will independently locate and depart with their parents or other pickups. Most Middle School students do not require pickup approval at the end of the school day.