
We couldn’t have an in person Specials Gala this year, so we did the next best thing, and created a website with Canva presentations of student work in art, music, library/tech, and physical education.  Check out the site at

Click on any of the links, and a Canva presentation or video will load in a new page.  Check it out to see some of the amazing work students have done this year, look for your student’s work and that of their friends, and look forward or back to what older or younger students have been working on!  Don’t miss the beautiful artwork, great songs, graphic pages, and exciting physical activities!  

Primary and Elementary Specials

The Specials Department consists of five disciplines; Library, Music, Technology (Tech), Physical Education (PE), and Art. Expression, empathy, flexible thinking, collaboration, and innovation, are key components of the overall comprehensive arts education of FHM. Classes are taught by specialized teachers in order to enhance the overall educational programming of the Montessori classroom. Students in Primary and Elementary attend specials classes. 






The Art Room is a creative environment nurturing every child's artistic expression.  The curriculum allows students to take delight in the aesthetic qualities of art, enjoy the production, and find inspiration from Art History.  Students learn to discuss art, and to understand the elements and principles of Art and Design.   All children are artists, our students explore the diverse Art World by learning about Art History and many styles and mediums in Art.  Students gain confidence in their own work by learning techniques and strategies in a variety of media including painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking and more.  Student art is celebrated and decorates our classroom, school and community. 

The art room is full of creativity and freedom, but it is also a place for serious learning. All FHM studio classes, including Middle School Art Electives, incorporate over-arching learning outcomes based on state and district standards. These include comprehension connecting to “Big Ideas” of expression, communicating, and making meaning, reflection and critical thinking through evaluation and analysis, Creating works that are connected to Big Ideas, and the transfer and articulation of new knowledge and skills that validate the Visual Arts to the human experience.





Guitar Playing
Music is an integral part of every student's education and provides students with unique experiences and skills essential for success in the 21st Century workforce.  Students receive instruction in all aspects of music:  singing, playing, moving, reading, listening, analyzing, creating, and performing.

Music courses survey different musical styles and periods with the intent of increasing students’ enjoyment of musical styles and/or developing their artistic or technical judgment. These courses may also focus on developing an understanding of a particular style or period of music.




Jumping rope

Physical Education

Physical Education is an important educational component of all grades.  Research has shown a strong correlation between physical activity and improved academic success.  Plus, healthy students have fewer school absences, which also contributes to increased academic success.  The vision for students who graduate from Jeffco Public Schools is that they have the necessary knowledge, skills, concepts, and experiences for lifelong health and fitness.



The Library

LibraryThe FHM library, nicknamed "The Den," is a multimedia space housing not only books but also a computer lab.  

The book collection includes reference materials, fiction and non-fiction materials for elementary students of all ages.  Topics included in the library curriculum include the Dewey Decimal System, introduction to keyboarding starting in 2nd grade, Internet safety, and copyright guidelines.  The fundamentals of research are explored through classroom assignments and activities to develop students' independence in using the library and its resources.  The mission of the library is based on nurturing life-long learning and gaining skills in using the tools needed to be successful 21st century global citizens.

Chromebook Tech Help  (for students)


Technology Lab

FHM has integrated technology into every classroom in the building. Students K through 5th grade also come to the Tech Lab every week for class. 

 Students in all grade levels cover the Standards for Students laid out by the International Society for Technology in Education. All students learn about being Digital Citizens in the 21st Century by covering the proper use of digital media, internet and computer safety, website credibility, digital collaboration and more. Basic computer skills are also taught including typing using the school's typing website: Free-Horizon.TypingClub.com.

Each student also has a monitored and highly regulated Google Apps for Education account. These accounts are used to collaborate on digital projects, message teachers, save work and access Google Drive. Other topics covered are digital presentations, photo and video production, graphic design, data processing and computer troubleshooting

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